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Minced Pork Noodles

Your run-of-the-mill minced pork noodles may look appetizing but seldom measure up. On the other hand, the one that Xing Ji serves up may look drab and uninteresting, but it never fails to please the palate.

The magic behind the acclaim lies in two components. First, the pork is so finely minced that it virtually melts in the mouth, unlike other vendors’ coarse, stiff versions. Second, the inexplicably unique, fragrant pork lard adds an auxiliary dimension to definitive minced pork noodles.

Served in only what the layman terms “wet” or soup style, Xing Ji well deserves its tag of whipping up Singapore’s best-minced pork noodles. The consensus is overwhelming whether it is the thumbs-up given on local food reviews television programs like Channel U’s Yummy King or newspaper reviews. Pretenders to the throne should just start from the basics. The Final Say: At $2 for a standard serving, Xing Ji offers the best-minced pork noodles at a standard market price.

Then again, a single bowl is seldom enough. On weekdays, do request their wantons, which are unavailable on weekends. For Singaporeans not in the know, this is a must-try.

Suruchi Lohani
Suruchi Lohani
suruchi lohani is a content editor who love playing with words to make stories come alive. Besides editing the content she loves reading books and writing.


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