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Shalynn Tsai: Ms. High Achiever

The multi-talented teen shows she has what it takes to follow in the footsteps of her celebrity mum Chen Xiuhuan. Shalynn Tsai, the 17-year-old daughter...

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Hidden Singapore: The Deep, Dark and Dilapidated

Muhammad Herizzad manoeuvres his way through the labyrinth of trees as if it’s his second home as I follow closely behind. He’s my tour guide...

Good Charlotte Gives Back

Back in 2005, the Maryland rockers filled out the Singapore Indoor Stadium at their “Noise to the World” tour, performing songs from their first...

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Hidden Singapore: The Deep, Dark and Dilapidated

Muhammad Herizzad manoeuvres his way through the labyrinth of trees as if it’s his second home as I follow closely behind. He’s my tour guide...
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Lecturer shows motherly love for students in trip to Wuhan

“I barely understood a single word,” Kenneth Chan, 18, says, referring to the fast and furious pace at which the Chinese natives spoke. “Even the...

Global News

“Slaves” of the 21st Century

Has this generation become a slave to trends? Scroll through Instagram and one is often deluged with images that leave a pang of desire to...

Meme Spotlight: Buffalaxes

“YouTube account buffalax has been terminated… for copyright infringements” was the message many YouTube viewers received on Mar 28 as they attempted to view the...

Our Korner: Delicious and refreshing

Named Our Korner, the contemporary bar-restaurant located at the corner of Ann Siang Hill is all about keeping up with the growing ‘indie’ café...

Singapore Idol Rejects

Singapore Idol (SI) has started, and we’ll soon be hearing from the top 28. Still, how can we not salute the participants who brought life to...

Bae Fever

A man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others, and Bae Yong Jun was brimming with confidence as he strolled into the press...
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Celebrity News

Mannequins lining the dance floor and shoes neatly arranged on bar counters… An outsider might think this a strange sight at one of Singapore’s...


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