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HomeUncategorizedAn App for the Brokenhearted

An App for the Brokenhearted

With Halmos, you can lay memories of your past relationships to rest in a virtual tomb.

When Ms Jin Zhuoyan experienced a difficult breakup, she turned to the App Store for an app to cheer her up.

Unable to find any that offers support and counseling, Ms Jin and her friend Ms Yuca Yu Yue, both 28, decided to build a social networking app for the heartbroken.

Users can build a virtual tombstone to rest their past relationships and remind themselves to move on. They can share how they cope with their breakups and read similar accounts by others in this global community.

The Singaporean duo launched their app at the Innovfest Unbound conference in Singapore last month. Learn more about their journey and how some millennials feel about their app.

Suruchi Lohani
Suruchi Lohani
suruchi lohani is a content editor who love playing with words to make stories come alive. Besides editing the content she loves reading books and writing.


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